Nearby services and productsSince there was no website where locals could "buy things from the shops in your own local hometown, and get them delivered to your doorstep," We founded a company that does just that.Every buyer and seller from the same square has an opportunity to sell or buy products and services quickly.“EHOPN" is an online storefront that handles marketing, orders, fulfillment, and shipping for local businesses. The companys founder, Ahmed Ebada, We hope HOPN will help beloved neighborhood businesses keep up.Delivery services is different than available services, because it is based on all available means like scooters, bikes, on foot to deliver in 30 minutes.EHOPN is involved in any product or service from nearby including food, grocery, handmade stuff, cloud kitchen, pharmaceuticals, etc.We apply machine learning and data science to help in waste managements and provide recommendation system based on the user.